Sunday, 12 June 2011

Voice Thread

The modern technology has lifted the field of education to the high levels. The teaching tools which were used in the 20th century are being replaced at a high rate especially in the developed countries. Teachers are eager to try the modern tools in their class rooms. These methods do not only capture the learners interest but they also leave a mark in the learner’s memory. Whatever method the teachers choose, they can be sure that learning takes place.

Voice thread is a modern technology which facilitates easy and interesting teaching and learning. It is a free online programme and it is used to narrate stories, chant rhymes using pictures, text, and music all over the world. With voice thread, a group of conversations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world. The good thing with voice thread is that no software is needed to be installed.

For one to use the voice thread, the following are needed

A computer and the internet


Windows XP

And USB, audio file in mp3/wav format

Open an account at......

Steps towards creating a voice thread:

Open an account at

Choose a topic you want to discuss or teach

Decide on the audience that is what age group the topic is suitable for.

Choose the materials you would like to use. One can either take photographs, import from different sites on the internet as long as they are allowed to be used for private purposes.

The photographs are then used as a guiding factor for example if one has taken photographs in African sceneries, then one can discuss the topic with the help of the photographs. At this point I would like to mention that photographs are not needed, a topic can be enough to discuss depending on the audience.

Choose the media you would like to use and this can vary from digital photo story to power point.

In the voice thread website, there is a place written create, click on create in order to create your Voice thread.

Organize your work and delete the areas you find inappropriate for use and decide who should be allowed to view and comment on your work.

Useful features in the voice thread:

Doodle: Doodle allows you to emphasis on the important features on your work. If the creator fins that the green sceneries are important in Africa, then he/she will draw circles around the green sceneries on the photographs. One can draw and comment on it at the same time.

Commenting on the voice thread:

There are five ways of commenting on the voice thread:

Telephone: Use a telephone to leave your comments to the creator.



Audio file

Video with webcam

Advantages of using voice thread:

It does not need any software to be installed.

It accepts Ms Word, excel, power point and even digital photo story.

It is free for educators to use.

It is easy to create.

One can control who to watch and comment on the voice thread.

One can participate while others are commenting on it.

The physical impaired can participate in commenting by using the phone and the sign language.

The learners can also create their voice thread and allow the teacher to comment on their work. Mrs. Ngai a teacher in the USA has done this successfully. You can find her work in the following website:

I recommend voice thread to all teachers. The fact that both the teacher and the learners can use it is good.