Tuesday, 4 May 2010


I have found a useful and creative web-site that I want to share with you all. This web-site is called ESL.Galaxy.com. ESL means English as a Second Language. This resource portal is for educators and students.

Here is the address:


ESL-galaxy is a resource portal filled with lesson plans, fun games and grammar & vocabulary exersices online. ESL-galaxy is a web-site so you need internet connection on your computer. There are e-books that you have to download for to get access to, and they cost money, but most of the material on this site is printable and free to use. This web-site was established in 2005 and has now expanded into a portal site with subsites. ESL-galaxy includes six-in-one website: ESLtower.com, English-4kids.com, EnglishMediaLab.com, DownloadESL.com, Chinesefortravel.com, ESLKIDLAB.com and ESLgamesworld.com.

How teachers can use this web-site

ESL-galaxy offers lesson plans for teachers to print out and use in the classroom. Teachers can even print out free grammar, reading and spelling worksheets. There are phonics and phonetics worksheets available on this site as well as coloring worksheets and video and music worksheets. The web-site provides teachers with beautiful coloured flaschcards that are printable. The site has free printable boad and card games and lots of game ideas useful for teachers in classroom teaching. This site provides teachers with ideas that will increas pupils foreign language learning.

How pupils can use this web-site

There are meaningful pronunciation exercises which can be downloaded on mp3 to ensure that pupils can listen over and over again. There are fun games, vocabulary quizzes, crosswords and listening exersices available on the site for students to use on there own. There are English beginner video slide lessons that will increase pupils vocabulary. The video allows pupils to practice listening and prononciation.

Other considerations

ESL-galaxy is a resource portal filled with ideas and activites for both students and teachers. It is a useful site but it takes a while to figger out how everyting works. This is a site that is useful for me as a teacher, it provides me with ideas, and it is useful for pupils when they are working on there own. The games and activities on this site are divided into skill levels so it is only to choose the most suitable.

This is a web-site that I am going to use in my teaching, I hope you will find this site as useful as I do.


  1. This site was really full of different resources both for teachers and pupils.
    I like the idea that there are both online and printable games and exercises and that they have divided them in two different columns for teachers and students. It gives you, as the teacher more options and a chance to individualize the teaching. Some pupils need to be on their own when they are working and do not like playing games with other pupils. They can then work at the computer when other pupils playing games together or doing other exercises that you have printed out for them from this site. As you wrote, the games and exercises are divided into different skill levels and therefore you can always find something that suits your pupils.

    I agree with you and your comment, it takes a little time to figure out how this site functions. I thought in the beginning, when I was clicking around on the site that it was hard finding the different exercises and games. It took several clicks before I came to the right page where the exercises were that I was looking for. I believe that it is a matter of habit and you soon will get used to how to navigate on the site.

    Great that there are lesson plans for the teachers to use. Sometimes it is hard to come up with ideas and perhaps short of time and then this site is a big source to get help from. There are a lot of different things you can choose from, for example videos, games, colouring worksheets and so on. I would most likely use this site when I am teaching English in school. There are a lot of fun things to be found on this site that will be useful in the teaching.

    There are a lot of games and exercises for the pupils to choose from. One thing that I noticed when I was trying some of the exercises was that when I got the answer incorrect I never knew what the right answer was supposed to be. It only told me to continue to the next question. This is one thing I believe can get the pupils a bit puzzled and that it is important that the teacher is there to explain to them how they are supposed to think. Otherwise I believe it is easy that the pupils will give up when they get the answer wrong and never will know what the right answer would be.
    It is great that the games and exercises are in different ways. As you wrote there are quizzes, crosswords and so on. Another thing you thought was good was that you could download pronunciation exercises on mp3 so the pupils can listen several times without searching it on the site. I agree with you there. Then you can make individualized teaching for every child and what exercises they need to do.

    It will probably take a while before we, me and my pupils, will get used to how this site works. I think as soon as we have figured it out it will be a lot of fun and instructive times with the computer.

  2. Hi Camilla.
    I think your website, ESL.Galaxy.com is both useful and creative.
    The website is full of lesson plans, games and other exercices.
    One good thing is that most of the material is free to use.
    The website contains lots of game ideas useful for the teachers in their language teaching.
    It is a useful site but it takes a while to figger out how to use it, and how everything works.
    Another good thing is that the games and activities are divided in different levels so children can practise in their skill level.
    I am quite sure that I will use this website in the future.
