Monday, 10 May 2010

Learn English Kids

Learn English Kids.
I searched on the internet for several hours. I wrote many different words but I did not found anything that I liked. Finally I wrote learnenglishkids and when I did that I found a website that I liked. I found something called learnenglishkids from British council. The address to learnenglishkids is:

This website is for kids learning English as a second or a foreign language and it contains a lot of things to do. It contains songs, games, stories and many other things to do to when you are learning English. The site has also pages for teachers and parents that shows how the website works and there are also links to other websites by British council, for example one about stories. The site is most built up in nice orange and yellow colors and therefore I think it will be attractive for the pupils. There are also links to topics like rainforest, sports, bugs, dinosaurs and others so I believe that there is something for everyone to like.

How it works.
This page can be used in many different ways. For younger learners there are games to play and for the older ones there are writing tasks and something called word of the week. There are also some tongue twisters to use. The pupils can easy find their way to the tasks and there are several levels to choose so that they are on the right level when they are learning. This site can be used in school or at home as homework. It can also be used independently or by working in pairs or a group. If the pupils are using it as a site for homework and the parents wants help with pronunciation they can register and download tools to get help for that.
In this website you can find a lot of stuff to do. You can create your own cool character and you can click and find out which are the most popular songs, games and stories at the time. You can click on “did you know” and learn more about teeth’s, animals, a writer or about something else. There are also three boxes in the page, containing possibilities to click on for the parents, the teacher or little kids. In the little kids box there are some exercises for the pupil’s younger brothers or sisters so they also can be involved in the learning.

On this website you can also find.
Games: several on line games and activities about different topics.
Listen&watch: animated songs and stories for children, some of them have worksheets to download and use.
Read and write: contains worksheets to download to help children develop their language skills in reading and writing.
Make: Online activities where the children are able to create something.
Explore: contains a list of links to other websites and here they also get help in how to use this particular website.
When you click on one of these headlines you get several opportunities of things to do.

How to be used by teachers.
I believe that this is a good website for teachers. There are lots of tasks to use in the classroom and also as extra homework when necessary. Another good thing is that there are links to other websites as you might need in your teaching. I am going to teach English next autumn and I am certain of that will use this website and several others in my classroom. This site can be used both as a test but also just to let the pupils have fun while they are learning. By letting them work in pairs or to have an on line homework I believe that they will learn in different ways which is good for their development.

How to be used by pupils.
The pupils and even other children can use this website in many different ways. They can use it for learning or just for fun. I believe that if they think that they are using it only for fun they might learn a bit more because almost everything they do involves some kind of learning and if they enjoy their tasks it is even better. Younger learners probably will need some help when they are starting up an activity and they also might needing some help to choose one in the right level. Older users probably can work it out by themselves or with a friend if they are working in pairs.
This is a good site for children, teachers and parents to use in learning a second or foreign language. I think I sometimes I would use this site as a carrot for the children, something they can work with if other tasks have been done. Maybe I also will use it as homework, just to make them more fun for the pupils. The box with topics can be used as extra exercises and the children can choose something from the box that they want to learn more about. However, I miss opportunity for the children to save their work they have been done but as a hole I think that this website contributes to pupil getting lots of learning opportunities.

Camilla Ljungberg Hultsfred


  1. Hi Camilla!
    I just love this colourful web-site that you have found. I think the children will love the orange colour, and that they will find the site joyful and fun. This web-site is full of activities and games that can be used by the children on their own. This web-site, from the British counsil, is useful both for children and teachers. The activities on this site will provide children with many English learning opportunities. The kids can play games on this site, they can listen to stories and watch pictures. They can read on their own and even write stories. They can make things and even explore things.

    It is a site that is easy to overlook, it is not difficult for the children to click around on the web-site on their own.

    This web-site is useful for me as teacher, I can download worksheets and use it in teaching. There are songs that I can sing together with my children. The "word of the week" is a fun way to learn new and unknown words.

    I am going to use this web-site in the future, I just love it.

  2. Learn English Kids.
    I believe you have done a great job selecting this site. Actually I am really glad that you did because I will probably use it too when I start teaching. So thank you.

    I also think that you have done a great job describing the resource’s pros, and there are a lot of them. Now we might not have the same idea of what is good or not but even though I believe most of the things on the site is good teaching material, I did find some things I would put as cons. E.g.
    • I thought it was tricky to get the hang of the structure of the site. But for the first time user I would give it a chance because there are more to this site than what at first meets the eye.
    • Most of the exercises are really great and some are not so great. E.g. the football game was very hard and not especially pedagogical. You are to kick a ball to see if you can count in English during pressure. I was able to kick it only once. I do not think this is a very good game to practice counting. It is too hard (if even possible) to kick it more than once. You focus more to get the kicking right than to practice counting.
    • The site contains a lot of great exercises and usable materials but I found it hard to navigate my way around and to understand the logic of the structure. If I were to look for something in particular, for a specific area of English words, theme or project, I could search for it through the search box. At first I was a bit confused because I was looking for a specific age to concentrate on, but could not find one. Now I believe that it is good that the activities on the site are not created around a specific age.
    • Even as a teacher you might find it to be difficult to find exactly what you are looking for, even when you are searching for it. You are more than likely to find some activities and/or materials that will fit what you are looking for, but you have to (at times) really look for it.

    I agree with you, this site is a good website for teachers. So good that I was curious about how you, as a teacher would use the site (or a part of the site) more specifically.

    Finally, thank you again for showing me this site. Susanne Åberg
