Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Open Office Presentation as an ICT tool

The resource is called Open Office and it contains several programs such as a presentation program, a text document program, a calculation program and a paint program. The resource is free and everybody is able to download it to their computer as long as they have an internet connection, therefore it is a valuable tool for schools to use.

I am going to explain some of the possibilities of the presentation program and how it can be used by teachers and pupils.

It is possible to write text, work with pictures, photos, music and different sounds. This program is useful for either an oral presentation where you use pictures and sounds as support or if you let the program work itself with you as the creator in the background.

When you start the program, different windows will show and ask you what sort of presentation you want to make. You could choose to work with an already made up template or create one on your own. You chose how many pages you want the presentation to contain and then you add the text, music and pictures you possibly want to use.

You could choose how long the pages should be shown or click on the screen when you want to turn to the next page. You could also choose whether you want the music to run through the whole presentation or stop when the first page ends. It is also possible to change music along the way if you want to express for example a certain feeling. There are special effects to add to the pictures as well.

The only thing you need, to make this program work, is a computer with an internet connection.

A presentation can be used over and over, and therefore it saves time and effort for teachers. It is also easy to rework so that it fits a special occasion. When working with the program you automatically think through the subject you are going to present and you adapt the information so that your pupils will understand. It is possible to print out the pages or forward it to pupils’ or parents’ email addresses. This could be useful in some situations. Teachers can help each other by sharing material, which is good if you have a limited time schedule or if you are just fresh out of ideas.

Many pupils find it very difficult to orally present something to a larger group of people. With a program like Open Office presentation it is possible to ease the situation. By using pre fabricated material the pupil making the presentation will feel more secure. The presentation will eliminate the need of papers and move the focus from the presenter to the presentation.

More senses will be stimulated when using picture, sound and text. The audience will get a greater experience and they will hopefully learn more.

It is easy to cut and paste in the program and it enables pupils to work individually and then put something together as a group. Working with the computer is stimulating for many pupils and the program offers a free mind combined with a structured order.

It is easy to get feedback from teachers during the process of learning since it is possible to forward the unfinished material by mail or posting it in a learning platform.

It is not certain that every family is able to buy expensive computer programs for their children to use in school purposes. Therefore it is good to know about free programs which everybody is able to download as long as they have a computer with an internet connection.

If Schools do not want to promote a certain company, Open Office is a good alternative. If you use for example Microsoft Office which is the equivalent to Open Office, Microsoft will benefit financially on you teaching your pupils the office suit.

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