Microsoft Word is a tool that we all recognize. It is easy to use. It is a program made of Microsoft. There exist other programs with the same function, but Microsoft Word is the most common. Word is something that you have to use more commonly now days where more tasks/applications require that it should be written on a computer, and then we use Microsoft Word.
Microsoft Word is not just used in schools; we use it more and more in our homes to write CV, applications for jobs, you might use it daily in your work were you write a lot. As a teacher you might write your memos and plan lessons.
I chose to write about a word task in collaboration how you send an email and attach a file to your document. The focus on the task was how we formulate a letter and how we get a word document into an email.

On the left you see the document with the task instructions for the pupils. In the middle it is as an example of a letter could be formed. On the right you see my instruction of how to attach a file in your email. Everything is written in a Word document that I showed on the interactive white board and I handed it out with the instruction of what the letter should contain.
This type of assignment, writing an email, is a great opportunity for the pupils to write in English about their daily life or for example the task I performed together with the pupils at my VFU how the pupils’ traditional Christmas is celebrated. They learn the meaning of tradition and phrases in English that belongs to the Christmas theme but also reflect over how their email friends celebrate Christmas.
To have email friends is a great opportunity to get your pupils to write. They know that they have a clear receiver. To develop the pupils’ writing let the teacher read it first to make corrections on the language and the student might have to develop their text in order to explain further what he or she is meaning. The assignment will be a type of progress writing. To develop the emailing further, when the pupil have received a response to her or his letter they could write a short resume about things that might be similar or write about the diversity. Whilst doing an assignment like this we have to take in consideration on what age the pupils are as well as their knowledge and understanding in English and at the same time give clear direction on what they will reflect over. In Maria Estling Vannestål book Lära Engelska på internet she gives examples on agency that offers internet communication for emailfriends.
Word can be used in many different tasks. Computers and programs are more commonly today than it has been. It is also sinking in age levels. Already in first grade you start working with computers and write in a Word document. Therefore I believe that the pupils recurrently should get the chance to work in a Word document in form of different assignments . This assignment is a great chance for the pupils to start writing. It can be done right in the email without attach a file. But if you let your student do that, a good idea is to let them write it first in a Word document so they can save their texts and rewrite them and copy and paste it into the email.
Let your students start writing today! They will be eager to read the response from their email buddy!
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